Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hmmmm. Here's where I am?

I've developed a pain in my right elbow? Yesterday as I left the campsite at the Taconite Plant in Silver Bay I could tell I shouldn't be paddling the way my right elbow felt. It was agony from Sugarloaf Cove to Temperance River. I wonder if I was even doing 2 miles an hour? I thought about hanging out until it gets better but knew I didn't want to continue up to Grand Marais and on to Grand Portage with my elbow pain. I may decide to return in a few weeks to finish the final 58 miles.. Maybe I'm allowed to deduct my age from the goal. Actually I am kind of getting into the just shy of the mark aspect. I've kayaked most of those 58 miles...all but the shore between Minnesota's Brule River and Hollow Rock near Grand Portage during the years I lived up here. I'm content with failure : )


  1. Just go back and do the last little bit on a weekend this fall...

  2. I might but I also feel just fine with coming up...short : )

  3. look at all you've accomplished, nuf said

  4. I am sorry to hear about your elbow John. It was a pleasure paddling with you along the Canadian coastline and Amy and I have really enjoyed reading your blog entries and looking at your photos. You have done a great job with the blog. I know that a lot of paddlers that head out to paddle around Superior will find your blog full of great information and inspiration. Nice Job!

    Rest your shoulder and elbow so you can paddle into Key West with us next spring! Maybe you can head back up to GM in the fall and get Bryan to paddle the last little bit to Grand Portage with you. That way he can be along for the beginning and the end. Dan is still with us for one more week. We are only 60 miles from the ocean. Tonight is our first night with a significant tidal change. I think it is probably about 8 or 10 feet here. It reminds me of the tides we had to deal with on the Inside Passage. Hope to see you soon!
