Monday, June 25, 2012

To go or wait until tomorrow?

It's past 1:30 pm Monday and the winds are 10 knots from the north. The waves are a foot or so and I could go. The pre-dropping of my gravity skeg with stern first launch would likely put some water in my cockpit but I suppose I could sponge it out. There would be some bouncy reflecting waves along the cliffs but not too big. Probably some caves I wouldn't go through and photos would not be very good in the bouncy conditions. I can wait as its light for so long and it's only a 3 hour paddle to Mosquito Creek campsite where I'm supposed to be tonight. It's only 24 miles to the Munising Tourist Park Campground I plan to stay at so I could just assume it will be calmer in the morning and get an early start and skip staying at Mosquito and do the whole distance. It's about the same distance I paddled from Woodland Campground in Grand Marais to Beaver Creek. I guess I'll see I it calms a bit yet this afternoon/evening to decide.
OK now I've decided to go early in the morning. The wind has really calmed down and is supposed to be light west tomorrow. I'll have nice light for photos if I get going early. Certainly I've rested up being at this campsite my entire 3 day back country permit. I'll go all the way to the Tourist Campground near Munising tomorrow.
It's been beautiful here with no flies or bugs of any kind! 4 guys came before noon and are camping here. At about the same time 2 women stopped and are also camped here. I talked with the guys a little but never did talk with the women.
As it turned out I camped all 3 of my backcountry permit nights at he same site.

As you can see it would have been just fine other than the whole stern launch skeg down fiasco. .. My scruffy self

My lazy day wondering if I should go or just wait until tomorrow?

The surrounding forest... Checking out one of the new campers hammock

Beaver Creek CampGround

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